MilatuLegal FAQ

MilatuLegal is an online platform that connects individuals and businesses with qualified lawyers across various specialties. Simply post your legal issue, and lawyers will respond to you and you may also chat with lawyers on a one to one basis in real time with out provided chatbox..

Use the legal need form found HERE on the front page, or in your logged in account and post your leagl need, you lawyers will apply to your case and you get to choose for your self.

All lawyers on our platform undergo a thorough verification process, including a review of their qualifications, past case history, and client reviews.

Once you are logged in, there is a chatbox for all the lawyers on the platform, you can engage any lawyer of your liking in a one to one chat. Bear in Mind that you will be required to purchase a token of 5 messages at ZMW 100 to chat with the lawyers.